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Our site, due to good fortune, Feng Shui and some overwrought imaginations, will be going through some quite up-heval over the folowing 6 - 9 months. The incorparation of new, trans-discipline, multimedia Hyper-Zones. One is already in production (see below) and planning for E.C.F., covering it's five year history is underway.

This archive promises to hold some of the most exciting multimedia documentation, in Europe - but more on that later...... shinkansen is currently working in production with a whole strata of contemporary performance artist's (Fiona Wright, Mark Jeffery, Jessica Levy) and each project will eventually have it's own there will also be the inclusion of a Touring Programmes page to act as a quick index to give an over-view of artist's available for Global Touring & the inclusion of a Bibliography section charting all of shinkansens productions - linked to a trans-media repository for all your research needs - anyway more on all that in the future but for now

on with our latest projects......


The second series of Connectivity has finished at backspace.


Aside from planning for Series 3, we have also been the lucky recipiants of an A.T.L.A.S. award to construct an on-line Connectivity site, seperate from, but embeded in shinkansen's site.

This will act as a 24/7 research tool, with an emphisis on disscussion and debate, including area's for the further debating of issues, the text's from both Forum's disscussion groups will be included for research and to act as a Hypertext research project, with as many links as possible - send us your link ideas now.

This is only been made possible by participation of the Arts Council of England.arts council A.T.L.A.S. scheme.

<more info>

sound works munich

The Sound Works Exchange Munich
a network of German & British sound artists

8 - 9 May 1998

GOETHE-FORUM. Dachauerstr.122, 80637 Munich
MUFFATHALLE. Zellstr. 4, 81667 Munich

PHILIP JECK (Vinyl Requiem/slant/Touch), Liverpool.
KURT DAHLKE (AtaTak/Der Plan/Pyrolator), Dusseldorf.
THOMAS KOENER (Mille Plateaux/Chain Reaction/Big Cat), Dortmund
with film by Jurgen Reble.
BEN PONTON (:zoviet*france:), Newcastle
with live dance by Fiona Wright - Nottingham.
SIANED JONES (slant/Sound & Language), Lowestoft.
KINGSUK BISWAS (Bedouin Ascent), London.
DAVID MOUFANG (Move D/Deep Space Network), Heidleburg.
Mr. C (Shamen/The End), London.

Performances by composers will take place on each evening with discussions and an installation project running during the day time.

< Go SOUND WORKS - MUNICH for the low down>

future physical

future physical
shinkansen is currently working on the development of a 3 year project for the millennium on the theme 'FUTURE PHYSICAL'

This project will explore the changing interface between the body and technology.

For anyone who has not checked it out for a while, lost interest - GO SEE, it is slowly expanding, topics are being added as is process for feedback - your feedback, it is what will make any site come alive - The Human Interaction.

There are over 500 registered supporters of Future Physical.
If you have not registered your support or even seen the site, go check it out.....

Areas of particular interest within the theme are 'live presence', 'bio-logic', 'multi choice viewing', 'sense aware ecologies', and creative use of 'sensory enhancing' technologies. We have applications in to fund this project and we are keen to link up with others working with similiar themes. We are currently forging ahead with the addition of new pages of Hot-Links and Topics relevant to the Future Physical aims - so keep checking for new addittions.

We need people to register their support to show that there is interest for the concept, so send us your SUPPORT now !!

We are currently looking for retail / distribution contacts for our recordings. Check out our Real Audio samples from our first C.D.'S. and look out for details of new releases.


Soundwork recordings
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