discussion forums
The evolution of live presence, new technology and performance environments for the future.
Well another excellent series of Connectivity has just ended,the invited participants were increased and we expanded on the range of topics and the depths that they were researched to, taking in everything from Manga movies to Q & A sessions with Genetic Research Doctor's from Guy's.
We looked at new technologies, exciting views of the Santa Monica Freeway and disscused if telematics will take audiences away or increase the viewing potentil, we looked at computer & communication technologies and thought where this could lead.......
Well one place is here, we have been succseful in the A.T.L.A.S. award, enabling us to expand these two pages here into a full Connectivity web presence, a virtual Connectivity, open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, starting with access for all Connectivity members & after feedback, the public.
By the time it is completed the site will serve as a research tool . It will include chat area's, enabling participation in the physical session's from afar or virtual chating outside of this, an area for online topics to be disscussed and debated virtually and a database of all the group discussion text's from both the Forum's, so far. This will also double as a Hyper-media reasearch tool, containing a link, every other word, we hope, providing a ready spun web & definitions by example of terms and phrases of the online world.
there will be notice sections for the posting of performance, debate dates etc. We intend to turn this into a powerful pan-European cross-referencing aid that can benfit everybody.
We hope to have this online in the next few weeks, in the meantime we need everybodies help (members or not) to input link idea's etc., so give us your info.
These pages (Connectivity,Connectivity 1) will still remain here during and after the new sites construction, followed by the activating of the new U.R.L.,( below ) the new site is now in operation @
( look out for news here.
The Connectivity on-line archive is made possible by the Arts Council of England Arts & the Learning Society Scheme (A.T.L.A.S.).
We are now researching for series 3 and will keep you posted on these pages as that comes together, hopefully in the New Year.
Matt Adams - Blast Theory(London) |
Esther Barton(Bristol) |
Ansuman Biswas(London) |
Kingsuk Biswas - Bedouin Ascent(London) |
Ghislaine Boddington - shinkansen(London) |
David Bovill - Virtual Theatre Company(London) |
Ron Briefel(London) |
Giovanni D'Angelo - Backspace(London) |
Phil England - LMC(London) |
Paul Everitt - Oval House(London) |
Yael Flexer - Bedlam(London) |
Michelle Gaskell - Biomass(Bristol) |
Mark Jeffery(Bristol) |
John Jordan - Platform(London) |
Neil Jolliffe(London) |
Jessica Levy(London) |
Debbi Lander - shinkansen(London) |
Estelle Neveux - shinkansen(Paris/London) |
Rui Nunes(Lisbon/London) |
Ben Ponton - :zoviet*france:(Newcastle) |
Stefan Rossow(London/Hamburg) |
Ju Row Farr - Blast Theory(London) |
James Stevens - Backspace(London) |
Jane Trowell - Platform(London) |
Elizia Volkman(Leeds) |
Andrew Ward - Phuture Media/shinkansen(London) |
Lisa Wesley(Sheffield) |
Fiona Wright (Bristol/Nottingham) |
The generic process in debate is - Connectivity, the multiple interlocking connections of modern day living and the new concepts emerging in society around the processes, practices and results of these webs of connection. New scientific theories of chaos and complxity have blurred the distinctions between thearts, sciences and humanities. The dynamics of complex systems and the self organising principles at work in this are leading to new ways of thinking and being for the future of inter-disciplinary live art works.
e.g. innovative points of connection between artist / audience, the creator / user interface, differing artform practices, new interactive processes, artistic, ethical and social concerns.
October 27th
- Live Transmission Methodologies
Cu-seeme, RealAudio, ISDN, vid-cams, web transmissions, internet radio, Massive, Cave, digital T.V. etc.
Simple demonstrations of visual and audio on-line transmissions will begin the session. Examples of arts projects which have used telematics and of future visions of live performing arts on-line will be discussed and will move on to talk in more detail about the tools and the processes, the access issues, the content and the context of this work.
December 1st
- The Redefined Body
cloning, gene therapy, genetic databases, bionics, bio-technology, designer drugs, biometrics, A.I.
The above are all now regularly debated in the press and media as their potential becomes real. This session will explore what the inevitable digitalisation and imitation of the entire body leads to and how this can effect human evolution - physically, mentally and emotionalyy.
e.g. identity, prejudice (what is natural ?), live presence, psychology, the new self.
Reassessment - a concluding discussion for the group to reassess the discussion series and put forward ideas for its development.
If you require details of individual group discussions from any of the previous evenings please go further. or if you have any questions please contact us for further details.
Connectivity is a self regulating debate process, that is part of the shinkansen - Future Physical 'umbrella' series.
Connectivity the debate group recieves funds from the Arts Council of England.