shinkansen About Us - A Brief History |
shinkansen is a sound, movement and image research, development & production unit, based in London Bridge. It specialises in the creation of performance environments enhanced trhough the use of digital media technologies. Formed 10 years ago it has specialised in the concept, design and production of new performance enviroments and process. shinkansen work's with a variety of layers to develop new processes, contexts and dynamic collaborations. shinkansen has pioneered the use of the network as an object model for skills exchange, employment opportunities and collaboration for artists across Europe.
Among these we run the local-to-international artists networks Butterfly Effect Network, European Choreographic Forum [ for movement artists ] and Sound Works Exchange [ for British / German sound artists ] currently linking members from 8 countries across Europe. Our networks spread with each project, taking in more and more members from across the globe, with a diverse range of skills and artistic ideas. |
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This has lead to us forming Connectivity, a private artists members site which now acts as a communication tool and a central network for all our diversified threads. Activities include annual exchange projects for invited artists, the production and distribution of documentation based C.D. or video by-products, the commissioning / touring of artist collaborations, a range of international cultural activities. These have now grown to take in image, video and film artists and we are producing greater trans-medium pieces. See the above links for our most recent network evolutions. shinkansen is also the organisation behind projects such as Voice Over, Vinyl Requiem and Club Research. The unit is regularly invited to lead workshops, lecture and write throughout Europe on the various themes relating to access to the arts in the 90's. Issue led debates concerning the performing arts in relationship to the body and new technology, is a strong line in our project work. Our development workshops have also been used as a testing platform for some the latest creative software.