body>data>space is run by a core group based in East London. This core operates at the centre of a soft edged network of close colleagues and artistic associates who work in teams, bespoke for each project. We are able to shape shift and respond nimbly to particular client needs. We plan, create, score and produce in teams. We do post project evaluations together and evolve ourselves onwards, to always maintain best quality.
Using our interauthorship methodology “The Weave”, the excellent specialists and artists of body>data>space, many whom have worked together for up to 8 years, collaborate and pool their individual expertise in dance, performance, sound art, video and vjing, software development, planning and production, technical and managerial skills, architecture, virtual worlds and gaming, design, engineering, web design, writing and graphics.
body>data>space also draws from within our network experienced and creative trainers to deliver education and workshop sessions around our key topics and debates, in particular with a focus on young people’s skills development. We deliver workshops for young people who are looking to work in particular with dance, video and digital media looking to develop further skills in real-time connectivity and telematics.