body>data>space is proud to announce DATUM, a new research and development project with ZU-UK theatre/digital arts company and University of Greenwich to exchange knowledge and collaborate on the components required to create a mobile augmented reality (AR) multi-player locative gaming experience. The project will explore topics of digital intimacy, encouraging ethical consumer behaviour and supporting the re-opening of sustainable commerce.
DATUM responds to the post-lockdown need for collective experiences that are conducted in a safe and responsible manner. The body>data>space team will develop a set of visual gesture interaction tools to create a blended environment (physical and virtual) in direct response to the growing need through social distancing, for deeper remote intimacy interactions.
DATUM is created and produced by ZU-UK, body>data>space and University of Greenwich, with support from the Innovate UK Sustainable Innovation Fund: Round 1 (Temporary Framework) 2020. This project is partnered with CLEI – Co-creating Liveness in Embodied Immersion, BHRE – Business, Human Rights and Environment, and LETS – Law, Emerging Technologies & Science Strategic Research Groups at University of Greenwich.