MADE (Mobility for Digital Arts in Europe) launched on November 24th 2010, in the framework of the EU’s Culture programme (2007-2013), as a co-operation between lead organiser centre des arts d’Enghien-les-Bains (Paris, France) and partners body>data>space (London, UK), Transcultures (Mons, Belgium) and BoDig (Istanbul, Turkey).
The MADE project looks to implement and promote European objectives for artist mobility within the digital arts, and, through this, to encourage the co-operation and collaboration of European cultural organisations and the promotion of this work to audiences across Europe. MADE will practically examine and explore forms and models of European digital co-production, using topical case studies and, in particular, through the commissioning and production of a live/contemporary digital work (performance and/or installation).
Made Commission
MADE held an open Call for Proposals, offering a co-production package, inviting professional artists from all EU member (or candidate) countries to submit project ideas for this co-production. The call for proposals is now closed. The MADE commission winner is Joseph Hyde with his project me and my shadow. You can follow the progress and the evolution of the project on Joseph Hyde dedicated blog.
This new Commission will be co-produced by the 4 partners across the European countries involved and the partners will collaborate artistically and financially, and additionally will examine a variety of forms of onwards distribution methods.
“me and my shadow” premiered simultaneously in four different cities from 9th to 26th June 2012, connecting real time audiences in London (National Theatre Foyer), Paris, Mons and Istanbul. This innovative installation is based on the motion-capture technologies, and consists of 4 ‘portals’ which unite users in each space through telepresence, projecting their 3D shadows into a creative collaborative space. “me and my shadow” was a deeply poetic experience, immersing participants in a journey through virtual spaces and memories.
White Paper
A White Paper report was produced for MADE, exploring European co-production and distribution methodologies for performances and installations within the digital arts field.
The MADE White Paper is now available for download. Coming from the experience of the 4 partners involved (body>data>space, centre des arts, Transcultures and BoDig) in the project and exploring the commission of “me and my shadow” as a case study, this publication is a vade mecum /handbook for European co-productions in the field of digital arts. Download here
(Reseau Arts Numeriques/Digital Arts Network)