‘Digital futures’ in The Guardian featuring body>data>space


‘Digital futures’ an essay by Mark Ball (The LIFT Festival) has just been published in The Guardian featuring the pioneer digital work from body>data>space Blast Theory, Coney and Pervasive Media Lab

In his essay for NESTA and The Guardian Mark  Ballrevisits some old predictions about the impact of digital technology on the cultural sector, and looks to what the future may look like.

Mark Ball is the first of four Clore fellows to contribute an article for Guardian Culture Professionals on arts and digital technologies ‘it is giving artists the tools to innovate and explore new ways of making theatre where the digital and live meet, and exceptional work in this area is being led by ‘transmedia’ artists and agencies like Coney, Blast Theory, body>data>space, and the Pervasive Media Lab.’

Full article available here