body>data>space team with creative director Ghislaine Boddington and associated artists Michael Takeo Magruder (Visions of our communal dreams) and Joseph Hyde (‘me and my shadow’) will present their current projects at the Digital Transformations Moot organised by AHRC on 19 November in London.
A ‘moot’ is an Old English term for a meeting to discuss important matters. In the next year the internet will carry more information than has previously been created by humanity in its entire history. It deserves a moot! The discussion will range from the new opportunities offered for visualising, analysing and exploring the arts and humanities; to emerging forms of artistic and scholarly expression; and the question of how we transform scholarship using this deluge of data and technology? These are the issues at the heart of the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s strategic theme of ‘Digital Transformations’.
19 November, 10-5.30pm, Mermaid Conference Centre, London. Follow it on Twitter @AHRCDigiTrans or #digitrans
More info and registration here